POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Mobility Scheme for Early-Career Researchers

01 Mar 2024 News
POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Mobility Scheme

The Western Balkans Mobility Scheme will be opened on 28 March 2024, as part of the pilot
programmes of POLICY ANSWERS - R&I POLICY making, implementation ANd Support in the WEsteRn
BalkanS project.

By supporting the regional mobility of early-career researchers in the Western Balkans, the regional
cooperation and the sustained support in mobility-driven R&I as well as the societal resilience and
the convergence of the Western Balkans with the European Union should be enhanced.

The Western Balkans Mobility Scheme will address early-career researchers (PhD Students and Post-
Doctoral researchers, who finished their PhDs no longer than seven years before the deadline of the call)
from all six Western Balkans economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North
Macedonia and Serbia. 

With a total budget of EUR 100,000 the program will provide each winning project with a grant of up to EUR 5,000 for two weeks until a maximum of six months. 

The European Commission will provide the funds. A one-stage online application procedure will be used.

For the projects to be considered within this scheme, the applicants must:

  1. foresee short-term mobility within the Western Balkans, 
  2. justify the need for specialised equipment or facilities (research infrastructures) in another
    Western Balkans economy to conduct research, 
  3. conduct research.

All thematic research areas are eligible including Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and arts-based research.

The scheme should build the ground for a follow-up mobility programme funded by regional, domestic or international stakeholders.

More detailed information on the application process, criteria, evaluation and selection will be available on the POLICY ANSWERS website - www.westernbalkans-infohub.eu from 28 March 2024.