POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Mobility Scheme for Early-Career Researchers
![POLICY ANSWERS Pilot Mobility Scheme](https://www.balkaninnovation.com/files/user/media/e28d4c0e95bcfeb6c741a122a7035395.png)
The Western Balkans Mobility Scheme will be opened on 28 March 2024, as part of the pilot
programmes of POLICY ANSWERS - R&I POLICY making, implementation ANd Support in the WEsteRn
BalkanS project.
By supporting the regional mobility of early-career researchers in the Western Balkans, the regional
cooperation and the sustained support in mobility-driven R&I as well as the societal resilience and
the convergence of the Western Balkans with the European Union should be enhanced.
The Western Balkans Mobility Scheme will address early-career researchers (PhD Students and Post-
Doctoral researchers, who finished their PhDs no longer than seven years before the deadline of the call)
from all six Western Balkans economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North
Macedonia and Serbia.
With a total budget of EUR 100,000 the program will provide each winning project with a grant of up to EUR 5,000 for two weeks until a maximum of six months.
The European Commission will provide the funds. A one-stage online application procedure will be used.
For the projects to be considered within this scheme, the applicants must:
- foresee short-term mobility within the Western Balkans,
- justify the need for specialised equipment or facilities (research infrastructures) in another
Western Balkans economy to conduct research, - conduct research.
All thematic research areas are eligible including Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and arts-based research.
The scheme should build the ground for a follow-up mobility programme funded by regional, domestic or international stakeholders.
More detailed information on the application process, criteria, evaluation and selection will be available on the POLICY ANSWERS website - www.westernbalkans-infohub.eu from 28 March 2024.