Grant Scan: Get the Most of Existing EU Funding Opportunities

19 Jun 2024 News
Grant Scan DIHs 2024

The European Union has many funding opportunities available for innovation practitioners, including digital innovation hubs. The Grant Scan report gives you many valuable insights to start with. 

The Regional Cooperation Council and Econet produced the report as part of the "Follow-Up Support programme for the development of Digital Innovation Hubs in the Western Balkans." 

This report is an update of the document prepared in the framework of the previous Support Programme, dated September 2023. It offers end users valuable information on European funding opportunities in 2024, including Cascade Funding. 

Cascade Funding is a key component of the EU's funding landscape, offering opportunities for digital innovation hubs - and other organisations - to secure support. 

The EU offers a range of funding opportunities under different headings, including Single Market, Innovation and Digital, Cohesion and Values, Natural Resources and Environment, Migration & Border Management, and Security & Defence. 

Beyond Horizon Europe, there are alternative EU funding opportunities that cater to diverse needs and ambitions, such as the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL). 

Dig in here and find opportunities that suit your plans and interests.